Where do we go from here?

That question is at the heart of ImagiNEXT, the community visioning process designed to generate a list of great ideas that can be put into action to enhance our already thriving community.

ImagiNEXT will continue into the spring of 2018. BS1During this time members of the community will form groups and brainstorm ideas that they think could become the next projects to move the Marion area forward…and to make it an even better place to raise a family and grow a business.

We encourage everyone to participate in this process whether you live in Marion, work here or visit friends and family. The ImagiNEXT Visioning ToolKit contains simple instructions for anyone who wants to form a group and discuss their ideas.


Iowa Great Places

IDCA Iowa Great Places (COLOR CMYK)Once visioning is complete, an application will be submitted to re-designate Marion as an Iowa Great Place.

The Iowa Great Places Program recognizes a community’s efforts and helps bring projects and visions to reality. The program provides designation and supports the development of new and existing infrastructure intended to cultivate the unique and authentic qualities of neighborhoods, communities and regions in Iowa.

Visioning Timeline


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